Adding tax to retainer contract items
The Retainer Tax feature allows your company to charge sales tax on eligible labor, charge, and expense items covered under a retainer contract. The tax is applied when items are approved and posted, and the amount is deducted from the retainer balance. The Retainer Tax feature is an installed module. There is no charge for this module.
Getting started applying tax to retainer contract labor and charges
The following conditions are required to begin applying tax to a retainer contract's purchases. Some of these conditions may already be in place.
- The Retainer Contract module must be turned on.
To determine if the module is turned on, open the Contract Summary page for any retainer contract. If the module is enabled, the Contract Details list includes the Tax Deducted from Retainer field. If the module is not turned on, contact the Kaseya Helpdesk .
- The individual contract must have the option to charge taxes enabled. Refer to Applying the Retainer Tax to a Contract.
- A Tax Region must be associated with the contract organization. Together with the tax categories associated with the billing codes, it will determine the amount of tax subtracted from the retainer contract. Refer to Configuring your tax table.
- Items to be taxed must be billable and taxable. Refer to What Labor and Charges Will Be Taxed?
Viewing the total retainer tax amount deducted by contract
You can view the total amount deducted from a contract's retainer purchases in the Contract Details box on the Summary page.
Viewing retainer tax per item when adjusting labor charges
When you have the Retainer Tax module turned on, the Adjustments table on the Labor Adjustment page (Contracts > Invoices & Adjustments > Adjust Labor > Search for labor items to adjust) displays a column labeled Tax Deducted from Retainer. The tax deduction is reflected in the total that appears in $ [amount] Left.
Reporting on retainer tax deductions
You can track the amount of tax deducted from retainer purchases in several Autotask reports.