ADMIN: Setting up your products and services portfolio

About products

The Products list contains the hardware, software, and material items your company sells or supports for customers. You will need to set up products if you plan on using the following features:

  • Opportunities and quotes
  • Inventory
  • Devices

About Services and Service Bundles

A service is a defined benefit such as "Mail Hosting", "Disk Backup" or "Virus Checking" for a covered device. They are the billing items of recurring service contracts. For information on recurring service contracts, refer to Offering your customers a Managed Services business model.

Services can be combined into service bundles. However, service bundles are always a single billing item. You cannot separate them into their constituent services after the fact. As a best practice, we recommend that you use services.

You will need to set up services if you have customers with recurring service contracts.

Configuration tasks for products

Configuration tasks for services and service bundles

Services setup requires the following steps.

  1. To determine the tax status of a service, you are required to select a service code when creating a service. Refer to Service codes.
  2. Then you can set up your list of services. Refer to Setting up your services.
  3. Optionally, you can combine several services into service bundles. Refer to Setting up service bundles.

You may occasionally need to update the cost or prices of services associated with active contracts. Refer to Bulk service updater.