Setting up the MS Exchange synchronization account

This step is the prerequisite for configuring the Exchange extension on-premises, using Basic Authentication.

The MS Exchange synchronization account is used to test the connection between the Autotask MS Exchange Extension and your MS Exchange Server. The Synchronization Account User must have authentication rights to make calls to Exchange Web Services.

IMPORTANT  While you can use an existing administrator account for this purpose, Autotask strongly recommends that you set up a special account (called a Synchronization Account) to avoid exposing your administrator account credentials and posing a possible security risk.

To set up the account, you must complete the following tasks:

  • Create the Synchronization Account
  • Create an MS Exchange Mailbox for the Account
  • Give "Impersonate" rights to the Synchronization Account
  • Give the Synchronization Account Public Folder Access. Public folder access is only required if you will be creating a public folder of all Autotask contacts on your MS Exchange Server

NOTE   Currently, Autotask does not support the use of Extended ASCII characters in authentication credentials. Keep this in mind when setting up your synchronization account and user profiles.