Converting the Time Entries to Money

Once a time entry is submitted, Autotask converts it to a monetary amount, that is, a labor charge. There are three items associated with the time entry that can play a role in determining how the labor charge is calculated, and whether or not that charge is billable to the customer:

  • Contract – determines the type of billing arrangement; for example: the customer might be billed directly for time and materials, or labor may be covered under a pre-paid retainer, block of hours, or per ticket arrangement, or under a managed (recurring) service contract.
  • Role – determines the basic hourly billing rate
  • Work Type – determines whether the labor is billable or non-billable, and taxable or non-taxable. It can also apply modifications to the hourly billing rate and number of hours.

The chart below provides a quick visual overview of how Contracts, (General) Work Types, and Roles work together in the conversion of time to money.

The following topics provide details on how contracts, roles, and work types impact labor charges.

Time to Money: Contracts

Time to Money: Roles

Time to Money: Work Types