The entityInformation REST API call

The entityInformation API call enables you to query the Autotask API and view details about a REST API entity. The information returned includes the entity's name, actions that the API can perform on it, and whether or not the entity supports webhooks and user-defined fields (UDFs).

You can also use an extended version of the entityInformation call to return comprehensive information about a REST API entity's fields.

There are two different requests you can make with the call: entityInformation and entityInformation/fields.

NOTE  To learn about the SOAP API versions of these calls, refer to The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call and The getFieldInfo() SOAP API call.

Working with picklists

When querying entity fields, if the isPickList field returns a value of true, the element it represents is a drop-down list. By querying the picklistValues and the picklistParentValueField endpoints, you can audit the picklist's attributes.

To learn more, refer to our Understanding picklists article.

Autotask security

In Autotask, the security level controls access to features and data. Autotask provides basic security levels, for example, System Administrator or Manager, that are pre-set to provide access to Autotask modules like Service Desk and Projects. Autotask administrators can then modify or copy the basic security levels to create custom security levels. The custom security levels set additional controls over access to features and data within the assigned modules.

The data returned by userAccessFor fields corresponds to the levels of permissions assigned through basic and custom security levels:

  • 0 (None) indicates the user can never perform the action (even when the entity allows the action).
  • 1 (All) indicates the user can always perform the action.
  • 2 (Restricted) indicates that the user can perform the action under specific conditions. These conditions normally correspond to security level permission settings like "Mine" or "My Territory," which allow access to only those items with which the user is associated. For example, a "Mine" permission on the Companies entity requires that the logged in user must be the account owner or a member of the account team. A "My Territory" permission includes the "Mine" permissions and also includes users that are associated with the same territory as the account.

NOTE  The Full Access security level ensures access to all modules and features. By default, the API User (system) (API-only) security level grants full access permissions, but copies of this security level may have been modified. The API user must have access to the appropriate Autotask module for the entity type and sufficient rights to perform the specified API call.

For additional details on Autotask custom security levels, refer to the Help topic Create or edit a custom security level.

Site-Wide Restrict Deletion Installed Module

For legal or accounting reasons, some companies choose to enable the Autotask "Site-Wide Restrict Deletion" installed module. This module prevents any user from deleting Companies, Tickets, or Time Entries. Site-Wide Restrict Deletion applies to the Web Services API.

Sample responses